Photo by Anthony Thornton
I have always been fascinated in the body and movement. As a child I loved jumping on the trampoline to feel like I could fly. Or I’d spend hours alone in the pool to feel the weightlessness and quiet of being underwater. Or I’d get as high on the swing set as possible, closing my eyes and putting my face towards the wind. And on the ground I danced.
I began dancing at a young age and strived to defy gravity in ballet classes and onstage. No matter how much I tried, how hard I worked, I always felt like my body deceived me. It wasn’t until I was a teenager that I was very fortunate to be introduced to the GYROTONIC EXPANSION SYSTEM®. I began training with Master Trainer Alicia Head in Long Beach, CA. When I was 18 she rehabilitated me after I broke my foot on stage while in performance. She gave me the tools to feel light, to experience freedom in movement, and made me feel at home in my body.
I carried the awareness and knowledge I gained to New York, where I received my BFA in Dance from the State University of New York at Purchase College. While pursuing my career, I knew it was time to dive deeper into my practice of the Gyrotonic Expansion System®. I have been practicing for nearly 20 years and a certified trainer for eight. I am certified in both the GYROKINESIS® and GYROTONIC® Methods.
Since 2014, I have lived in San Francisco teaching alongside the incredible community of trainers at San Francisco GYROTONIC®. To this day, the deep and subtle power that I experience through this system continues to reveal itself.
GYROKINESIS® Certifications:
Essentials of Spinal Motions
Lotus Blossom Program 1
Beginner Level 2
Breathing Course Intensive
Breathing Course Experience with Juliu Horvath
GYROTONIC® Certifications:
Jumping Stretch Board
Leg Extension Unit
Level 2 Program 2
Applications for Dancers
Applications for Juliu’s Wrapping System
Psoas Principles
Principles applied to Dynamic Trunk Stabilization